5 Era Of Power Rangers

Power Ranger franchise was started in 1993 and its first season was Power rangers Mighty Morphin and this series is still running and in 2023 franchise will complete 30 years. People witnessed many seasons of this franchise like inaugural mighty morphin to beast morphers. From it's starting power rangers franchise has seen an evolution in its self. From MMPR to dino fury we can clearly differentiate the franchise in 5 different era's. Let's take a dive into it. 5 Era Of Power Rangers 1. Zordon Era It was the first era that we saw in the power rangers franchise with the starting of mighty morphin power rangers. An old wise space traveler zordon caught in an interdimensional trap with the help of alpha 5 guide five teenagers to fight an evil witch Rita Repulsa. This era includes 3 seasons of power rangers mighty morphin rangers, alien rangers, zeo rangers, turbo rangers and ended with Power Rangers In Space. 2. Post Zordon Era This era spins after zordon sacrifice...