
Showing posts from September, 2021

Top 8 Red Power Rangers

 Power Ranger franchise was started in 1993 and its first season was Power rangers Mighty Morphin and this series is still running and in 2023 franchise will complete 30 years. People witnessed many seasons of this franchise like inaugural mighty morphin to beast morphers.  Red Rangers are the main lead of the show and lead their team to fight against various monsters. They are the main attraction of team and are best in their team.  Let's see top 10 powerful and strong red rangers seen till now in Power Rangers franchise.  Top 8 Red Power Rangers 1. Jayden Shiba Jayden Shiba Red Samurai ranger tops our list of red rangers as he was most powerful red ranger in history. He was having the power of fire symbol.  He was having a wide range of power up modes including shark saver, super samurai mode and the most powerful the power of ancestors Shogun mode which he finally used outside the megazord in the final fight with master Xandred.  His power can be estimated from the fact that bef

25 Amazing Facts About Spider Man

 Spider-Man is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko. Let’s see some amazing spidey facts! 25 Amazing Facts About Spider Man 1. Spider-Man first appeared in the anthology comic book Amazing Fantasy #15 (Aug. 1962) in the Silver Age of Comic Books. 2. Marvel has featured Spider-Man in several comic book series, the first and longest-lasting of which is titled The Amazing Spider-Man. 3. Peter Parker used his scientific know-how to develop his own adhesive web and web-shooters . 4.Spiderman’s webbing only lasts for about an hour before it evaporates into thin air. This concept was explained in the very first annual of ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ from 1964, and expanded upon in many tales afterwards.. 5. He is a fan of the Mets! Growing up in Forest Hills, Queens, it would seem only natural that Peter Parker would become a fan of the closest baseball club, the New

Top 5 Pink Power Rangers

Power Ranger franchise was started in 1993 and its first season was Power rangers Mighty Morphin and this series is still running and in 2023 franchise will complete 30 years. People witnessed many seasons of this franchise like inaugural mighty morphin to beast morphers.  Pink ranger is almost part of all power ranger seasons with few exceptions. They are always female till the latest season and are very handy in success of every ranger team. Let's see some of the best pink rangers we have witnessed till now.   Top 5 Pink Power Rangers 1. Jen Scotts Jen Scotts was the most powerful character among all pink rangers in history of show.  She was the leader of time force rangers after the death of Alex former red ranger.  She was very brave and was the only pink ranger till date who leaded any team. She was the love interest of Wesly and their chemistry was best in history.  She was very brave and took right decisions at right time like of returning to 2000s from 3000s when Wesley nee

8 Inventions To Be Made To Become IRON MAN

 Like a great many things in comic books, theoretically, it is very much possible. As it stands, our current understanding of the natural world places no implicit limitations on any of the attributes of the Iron Man armor. The Physics of every aspect of that suit is in fact very plausible, and downright realistic.HOWEVER, the Engineering of an exosuit like that, is a whole other matter! Each feature of the suit, however benign they may seem, is a MARVELous feat of engineering purely in its own rite. To design a weapon that powerful, yet managing to keep it so nimble, lightweight, hollow, not to mention safe for humans that happen to be inside it, will require ungodly quantities of raw ingenuity. But it is also a famous saying that "necessity is the mother of invention". So let's see technology we need to become Iron Man.  8 Inventions To Be Made To Become IRON MAN 1. ARC REACTOR First, foremost, and most obviously, consider the insanely glorified light bulb he wears on h