Baghban vs Avtar : Two schools of Indian wives

So it was a perfect sunday afternoon and I was just changing the movie channels so that I can get something to kill the time and to get distracted from the turmoil of life. While surfing around the TV on zee classic I found avtar. Now this is not the Cameron's avtar as you might think it is the Rajesh khanna classic. I have fully watched it with papa way back and remember the whole plot. It is a good watch. Now as I had watched the full film earlier I changed the channel and then I got to see Baghban. Now everybody have watched this film with their parents atleast one time with their parents else how could it be so popular in meme culture. But then a thought suddenly striked my mind that soul of both Baghban and Avtar are same just the climax is different. So here I am to share my thoughts on the contrasting climax of both movies. Baghban vs Avtar: Two schools of Indian wives So coming to Avtar in short, this movie have Rajesh khanna and his wife with their 2 chi...