
Showing posts from July, 2023

Rocketry : India has its own Oppenheimer but it failed to recognize it.

 Ok. So finally Oppenheimer released and opened around 15cr in Indian market. Personally I am a fan of Nolan and watched his famous Batman Trilogy, Inception, Interstellar, Prestige and Tenet and have full faith that Oppenheimer would also be a work to remember by Nolan and reviews also testify the same although due to my reasons I haven't watched it yet but hope in near future.  So why am I wasting time on setting this backdrop, just only so that I could be considered good enough to comment what I am going to further in this post.  Previous year Rocketry of R.Madhvan released and it could only tank 50cr lifetime that to world wide while the budget was 65cr as quoted on wiki. Yes I know maddy was shovered with lots of praises but mind only praises not money.  If you will watch Rocketry and Oppenheimer you would find the basic skeleton of both movies same in which a patriotic scientist did something extraordinary for the country yet treated polarly opposite for the same but that Hol