6 Cool Facts About The Avengers Movie

 There is always a start of something big and epic, and such a start was the Avengers 2012 movie for Marvel cinematic Universe's success. Where by assembling their superheroes for the first time on live-action. Marvel Cinematic Universe proved that it's going to rule the worldwide box office and spread its fandom all across the world for a long time, Avengers movie is not just a movie, it is the Pinnacle of cinema that changed the perception of superhero movies and how these movies are made now.

Let's see some cool and amazing facts about The Avengers movie. 

6 Cool Facts About The Avengers Movie

1. In comic books Avengers first appeared in the first issue of Avengers in 1963 which was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where they took inspiration from DC's Justice League issued in March 1960.

2. In 2004 Marvel took a Nonrecourse debt loan from Meryl Lynch of $525 to make a movie on all its characters. 

Ant man and the wasp were actually stated to appear in The Avengers Movie but as they were not previously established the plan was dropped. 

3. Marvel Cinematic Universe is actually loosely based on Marvel's Ultimate universe (Earth- 1610) created by Brian Michael Bendis, Warren Ellis and Mark Millar. 

4. Mark Ruffalo replaced Edward Norton as Bruce Banner in the movie as after the incredible Hulk Norton wanted creative control over Hulk but Marvel Studios was not okay with it. 

Interestingly Mark Ruffalo was also considered for Bruce at time of The incredible Hulk so he didn't wanted to play hulk in the Avengers but Robert Downey Jr insisted him to do so as they were co-stars of Zodiac movie. 

5. Many scenes were improvised in the movie by actors and mostly were by RDJ like his iconic line "That man is playing Galaga. Though we wouldn't notice but we did" was not in script and after the line was planned Galaga game was shown on screen. 

Some more instance where RDJ improvised are commenting on Thor's attire, climax scene where Tony suggest everyone to take holiday and Hulk's scream to wake up Tony. 

6. ILM took over 2,50,000 images of a section of 7 miles radius of New York which helped in creating real Looking New York in the movie. 


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