5 Spiderman Triology Awesome Facts

 The movies which Revolutionalised the super hero movies was the Same Raimi's Spiderman trilogy. They just banged the movie industry and after the trilogy we have seen the immense success of various super hero franchise like MCU and DCEU. 

Let's see some facts about all time fan favorite Friendly neighborhood spiderman' s trilogy facts. Let's start. 

5 Spiderman Trilogy Awesome Facts

1. Bruce Campbell's line '' It helps to create an illusion'' was seen as an Easter egg by fans that he can feature as Mysterio in Triology but it subsequently remained just as a fan theory. 

2. In spiderman 3 Bryce Dallas Howard was pregnant at the time of shooting but she herself  performed all the stunts shown in the movie. 

3. Spiderman 3 was originally planned as a 2 parter movie but Sam Raimi didn't found any median point from where he could split the movie so he decided to rewrite the script and to make it a single movie. 

4. Spiderman 4 was on the cards and it was originally planned to release it upto 6 May 2011 but the plan was dropped after not so good performance of Spiderman 3. If the movie was made we would witness Lizard, Vulture and Black Cat as antagonist. 

5. James Cameron also planned a spiderman movie where he casted Tom Cruise as Peter Parker and Arnold Schwarzenegger as Doctor Octopus but the movie never went to the floor. 


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