7 Amazing Facts About Captain America Trilogy

A soldier out of his time became the Legend of the modern world. Captain America is the fine example of what happens if a person in braces is his own good, and now Captain America is not just a superhero or movie character, thanks to the awesome narrative of Marvel cinematic Universe movies and the portrayal of Chris Evans, Captain America has become more of a legend, emotion and role model who inspired us all to do good and embrace good.

Let's check out some cool and amazing Captain America movie trilogy facts. 

7 Amazing Facts About Captain America Trilogy

1. Chris Evans got trained in Parker, Brazilian Jiu jitsu, karate and boxing for Captain America: The Winter soldier movie. 

2. Sebastian Stan trained for five months and he also researched many of the Russian and KGB spy stories and facts for his character of Winter soldier. 

3. Kevin Feige was very impressed from Russo brothers after watching their show Community and it paved off Russo brothers's entry in marvel Studios and Captain America: The winter soldier became the first movie directed by Russo brothers. 

4. From Captain America Civil War spider man was introduced in MCU but it was not so easy as initially Sony refused to collaborate with Marvel but after the low in success of the Amazing spider man 2 they decided to reboot spiderman and this time spidey was in MCU. 

Tom Holland give his audition along with Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. 

5. Black Panther was also introduced alongside spiderman in Captain America Civil War but initially it was planned as a cameo where King T'Challa would  not be shown in his black Panther suit but as deal for spiderman with Sony was uncertain Marvel made the story of black panther strong by increasing his appearance. 

6. After Captain America Civil War an another Captain movie was planned named Captain America Secret Invasion where as per reports Skrulls were planned to be shown to invade earth and reason behind civil war but at that time Marvel studios thought that Skrulls rights were owned by 20th century Fox so the plan was cancelled. 

But after some time they realised that Fox acquires only some main Skrulls character rights so Skrulls were introduced to MCU in Captain Marvel movie. 

7. Captain America trilogy earned $2.25 billion on a budget of $600 million and in all will remain a fan favorite trilogy. 


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