8 Amazing Facts About Iron Man Trilogy

 A man, an inspiration, a legend. Without any super powers and just on his sheer intelligence, bravery, and willingness to sacrifice along with being a legendary Avenger, Iron man has become one of the most influential superheroes of the modern age, and despite his story came to an end in Marvel cinematic Universe his a fandom is becoming bigger day by day and all this started with John Favreau' s Iron Man. 

Let's see some shocking facts about Iron Man Trilogy. 

8 Amazing Facts About Iron Man Trilogy

1. Before Robert Downey Jr was casted as Tony Stark many actors were interested in playing Tony such as Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cage, Collin Farrell, Hugh Jackman and Sam Rockwell. 

John Favreau was in favor of casting RDJ as he thought that RDJ' s troubled past can help him very well to portray Tony so finally RDJ won the battle. 

2.  Stan Lee one of the creators of iron man, based the characters of Tony Stark on Late American businesses man Howard Roberd Hughes Jr. 

Hughes was a businessman, pilot, engineer, film maker and social worker and was also famous for his playboy style in youth which can also be seen with Tony Stark. 

3. When came to movies Tony's character is made on Elon Musk modern time genius business man. RDJ also spent time with him to understand him and his Work style. 

4. Originally Mandarin was planned as the main villian of Iron man 1 with his all 10 alien rings but John Favreau doesn't wanted to waste the potential of so much powerful villian in a single movie so he abandoned the plan. 

5. Iron Man's first suit Mark 1 was not made by an VFX it was purely practical effects where Stan Winston designed Mark 1 suit. 

6. Iron Man Mark 3 suit was designed by artist Adi Garnov and illustrator Phil Shaunders for iron man movie. 

7. Jarvis was a human buttler in comics but it was shifted to artificial intelligence in movie so that it doesn't not look a copy of Alfred the buttler of Batman. 

8. Paul Bettny actually recorded his entire part of JARVIS in just 2 hours for movie. 


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