8 Amazing Facts About Iron Man Trilogy

A man, an inspiration, a legend. Without any super powers and just on his sheer intelligence, bravery, and willingness to sacrifice along with being a legendary Avenger, Iron man has become one of the most influential superheroes of the modern age, and despite his story came to an end in Marvel cinematic Universe his a fandom is becoming bigger day by day and all this started with John Favreau' s Iron Man. 

Let's see some shocking facts about Iron Man Trilogy. 

8 Amazing Iron Man Trilogy Facts

 1. Originally it was planned that Sam Raimi's spiderman will be part of MCU from starting and according to planned things Iron Man 1 would reveal that Dr. Octopus's mechanical arms were designed by Tony Stark. 

But due to issue in character rights the plan was cancelled. 

2. Terrence Howard was replaced by Don Cheadle as Rhodes because reportedly John Favreau was not satisfied by his work in Iron man 1 and due to this his role was cut short in iron man 2 resulting in a 80% cut in his acting fees which was not accepted by Howard and that's why he left the movie trilogy. 

3. Justin Hammer's factory was actually Elon Musk owned SpaceX's California branch where we can also see employees of SpaceX working in Justin Hammer's factory in the movie. 

4. From Iron Man 2 Natasha Romanoff was introduced and before Scarlett Johansson Emily Blunt was considered but she preferred Princess Marie's role in Gulliver's travel over Black Widow. 

5. Scarlett Johansson modeled her character over Ninotchka movie's Lena and Spy who Love's Anya Amasova. 

6. During the start of shooting of Iron Man 1 John Favreau was not having a full script in his hand so he told actors to improvise their lines and RDJ was Picasso of it. 

He was so good in improvising his own lines that sometimes other actors felt hard to cope with him. 

The famous line "I am Iron Man" was also improvised by Robert Downey Jr himself and it was kept as it is in final cut of the movie. 

7. On the total budget of $500-600 million iron man franchise earned $ 2.4 billion. 

8. Iron Man 1 was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Sound Editing and Best Visual effects while iron man 2 and 3 we're nominated for best visual effects. 


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