6 Amazing Facts About Thor Trilogy

 Marvels iteration of the god of thunder Thor is one of the biggest reasons for the popularity of Thor and his Asgardian and Norse mythology, where despite being of God Thor was shown with his bravery heroism, and vulnerability which made him closer to humans and created a bigger and stronger fandom of Thor and Asgardian mythology of Marvel Comics. 

As we all know Thor love and thunder is around the corner so let's see some amazing facts about Thor movie trilogy. 

6 Amazing Facts About Thor Trilogy

1. In Thor's first movie all the weapons have 11000 designs and only Thor's Mjonir had 35 designs and it was made of Aluminum. 

2. Patty Jankins was First offered to direct Thor the Dark world but due to creative differences with Marvel Studios she left the movie. 

Film's leading actress Natalie Portman was upset with this and hence she decided to leave Thor Ragnarok but eventually Takia Waititi convinced her and she will be again playing Jane foster in the upcoming Thor movie Thor Love and Thunder. 

3. Famous line said by Thor in Thor Ragnarok '' Friend from Work'' was actually suggested by a kid from the Make a wish foundation. 

4. Thor Ragnarok was the first time when Mark Ruffalo voiced all Hulk voices himself including his screams and talking. 

5. To prepare for the role of Loki, Tom Hiddleston based Loki on Cassius from William Shakespeare's famous novel Julius Ceaser. 

6. Financially speaking Thor movies are a very profitable franchise for Marvel. At a total budget of $480-500 million Marvel Studios earned $1.9 billion. 


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