
Showing posts from July, 2021

Top 10 Power Ranger Villians

  Power Ranger franchise was started in 1993 and its first season was Power rangers Mighty Morphin and this series is still running and in 2023 franchise will complete 30 years. People witnessed many seasons of this franchise like inaugural mighty morphin to beast morphers The claim to the most powerful Power Ranger villain is a pretty hard claim to decide, so I’ve decided to sort 10 Power Ranger villains (only the main ones) into different types of power. I’m mostly going to try sticking to final-threat/boss villains. Top 10 Power Ranger Villians 1.Octomus the Master ~~~Most Powerful Magician~~~ Anyone can lay claim to this. At first I was thinking of Rita Repulsa, as she does become The Mystic Mother later on, but I decided against it since RR and MM have had different goals at this point in time, and that change of goals most likely contributed to their difference in power. That and the fact that the Mystic Mother was also defeated by…  It only makes sense to have the main villain o

Top 5 Power Rangers Team Up Episodes

 Power Ranger franchise was started in 1993 and its first season was Power rangers Mighty Morphin and this series is still running and in 2023 franchise will complete 30 years. People witnessed many seasons of this franchise like inaugural mighty morphin to beast morphers We PR fans love all the episodes but when we see rangers from different teams team up we love it. It is amazing to see our favorite power rangers to fight together. Today we will see some of the best team up episode in power ranger franchise.  Let's start Top 5 Power Rangers Team Up Episodes 1. Forever Red Forever Red is the best team up episode in PR franchise. It took place during Power ranger wild force. Andros saw one of king Mondo's general on moon planning an attack on Earth with the help of Serpentera zord. He informed Tommy about it and Tommy reunited all 10 red rangers for a big mission.  This episode includes Jason, Tommy, TJ, Aurico, Andros, Leo, Carter, Wesly, Eric and Cole.  It was very amazing ep

Top 5 Evil Power Rangers

 Power Ranger franchise was started in 1993 and its first season was Power rangers Mighty Morphin and this series is still running and in 2023 franchise will complete 30 years. People witnessed many seasons of this franchise like inaugural mighty morphin to beast morphers Top 5 Evil Power Rangers 1. Tommy Oliver Power rangers Mighty Morphin was airing successfully and was getting a good response but the show reached to greater heights when tommy Oliver joined the show as green ranger but the twist was he was evil in starting.  Tommy was a new kid in Angel Grove and was equally skilled to Jason in fighting skills. So Rita Repulsa used her green power coin and Tommy was introduced as green ranger to audience.  Tommy was very evil. In his first attack he heavily damaged command center and dismantled alpha and also nearly destroyed Zordon. He also destroyed ranger's zords and was really a badass. He was having his evil sword and his own draggonzord that was gifted to him by Rita to ful

5 Reasons why one should watch Power Ranger Time Force.

Power Ranger franchise was started in 1993 and its first season was Power rangers Mighty Morphin and this series is still running and in 2023 franchise will complete 30 years. People witnessed many seasons of this franchise like inaugural mighty morphin to beast morphers.  Power Ranger Time Force's first episode was aired on 3 February 2001 and ended on 17 November 2001. It was loved enormously by audience so let's see why it was so famous and popular among fans.  5 Reasons why one should watch Power Ranger Time Force. This was easily one of the darkest seasons in Power Rangers history, and in my opinion, was only surpassed by RPM. As was the case with Lost Galaxy, Time Force dealt with matters that Mighty Morphin’ would never dare broach. What are these issues? Let’s see: • Racism -  Mutants were looked down upon and shunned. The 31st Century was supposed to be paradise. We’d made contact with other species, who lived and worked in harmony with Humanity. Genetic manipulation w