
Showing posts from December, 2021

8 Mind Blowing Facts About Captain America Trilogy

 A soldier out of his time became the Legend of the modern world. Captain America is the fine example of what happens if a person in braces is his own good, and now Captain America is not just a superhero or movie character, thanks to the awesome narrative of Marvel cinematic Universe movies and the portrayal of Chris Evans, Captain America has become more of a legend, emotion and role model who inspired us all to do good and embrace good. Let's see some amazing and mind blowing facts about Captain America trilogy.  8 Mind Blowing Facts About Captain America Trilogy 1. Captain America movie was not the first attempt of bringing Steve Rogers in movie world. In 1944 first tv series on captain America was started and in 1979 two live action captain America movies were made. In 1990 the last captain America movie was made which was not liked by both fans and critics.  2. In 1997 Marvel tried to make a new Captain America movie with Warner Bros the studio who owned DC Comic characters r

7 Spiderman Triology Mind Blowing Facts

The movies which Revolutionalised the super hero movies was the Same Raimi's Spiderman trilogy. They just banged the movie industry and after the trilogy we have seen the immense success of various super hero franchise like MCU and DCEU.  Let's see some facts about all time fan favorite Friendly neighborhood spiderman' s trilogy facts. Let's start.   7 Spiderman Trilogy Mind Blowing Facts  1. Tobey Maguire was not the first and only choice to play Spiderman. Colin Farrell, Ewan McGregor, Scott Seedsman, Heath Ledger and Leonardo DiCaprio were also on the cards for the role of Peter Parker but finally Tobey was casted as Peter Parker.  2. At the time of Spiderman 2 Tobey was suffering from a back injury and then Jake Gyllenhaal was considered to replace Tobey but at the start of shooting Tobey became fit and shooting started.  3.The famous canteen scene where Peter catches the tray and rescue MJ took 156 takes as it was original filming without any visual effects.  4. Sa

Sardar Udham - A Masterpiece That People Won't Understand

When I first watched Sardar Udham my first reaction was no reaction. I was left speechless. I never thought that this movie would affect me in this way. It's been more than a week but until now I have not been able to escape from the essence of this movie. I think this film is a cinematic masterpiece and I am very sure that most of the people will find it boring as it doesn't not contain thrill and entertainment which matches the taste of a typical bollywood biopic movie and I am totally ok with it as cinema is an art and art is subjective. But there are also many people like me who are deeply affected by this film. So let's deep dive and see why this movie is a masterpiece ahead of its time.  Sardar Udham - A Masterpiece That People Won't Understand 1. Character study of Udham Singh When we watch most of the bollywood biopics we can see the main character's story is commercialized and is not deeply layered but after watching the first scene of Udham Singh we can re