
Showing posts from October, 2021

15 Amazing Facts About Batman

The dark Knight our very favorite Batman is one of the most loved superhero in history. Bruce Wayne' character is so perfectly developed that everyone feel a connect with it.  But you ever wonder about some amazing facts about Batman.  Let's start.  15 Amazing Facts About Batman 1. Batman has mastered every martial art form known to man (atleast the major ones). It is said that he knows 127 forms of martial arts. 2. Batman can speak 23 languages. 3. The Dark Knight created a weapon called the Justice Buster which helps him go head to head with all the members of Justice league should they turn evil. It has the ability to even hurt superman with resorting to the Kryptonite. Also, the amount of money invested by Batman in making this weapon is more than 60% of budget of the world's nations put into their respective militaries. 4. Batman sleeps 3 hours a day. He has mastered the art of power naps and micro sleeps which makes him look fully rested. 5. It is believed that Batman

6 Cool Facts About The Avengers Movie

 There is always a start of something big and epic, and such a start was the Avengers 2012 movie for Marvel cinematic Universe's success. Where by assembling their superheroes for the first time on live-action. Marvel Cinematic Universe proved that it's going to rule the worldwide box office and spread its fandom all across the world for a long time, Avengers movie is not just a movie, it is the Pinnacle of cinema that changed the perception of superhero movies and how these movies are made now. Let's see some cool and amazing facts about The Avengers movie.  6 Cool Facts About The Avengers Movie 1. In comic books Avengers first appeared in the first issue of Avengers in 1963 which was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where they took inspiration from DC's Justice League issued in March 1960. 2. In 2004 Marvel took a Nonrecourse debt loan from Meryl Lynch of $525 to make a movie on all its characters.  Ant man and the wasp were actually stated to appear in The Avengers

10 Lesser Known Facts About Thor

 Thor Odinson the God Of Thunder is often termed as one of the strongest characters in MCU. Thor is a complete character as he had faced many tragedies but even after so he has showed his comic side time to time.  Let's see some mind blowing facts about thunder God.  10 Lesser Known Facts About Thor  1. Hela Cursed Thor with brittle bone and made it so he could not die. This was after her beat her up and freed mortal soul she had stolen. 2. He can fly without Mjolnir. 3. He did not inhabit the Destroyer Armor until he was turned to Kelly and the Armor tried to kill him and failed. 4. He Stalemated Zeus for 2 months 5. He can turn invisible 6. He never definitively beat Hercules, who is not a ‘god’. 7. Loki once cursed him by turning him into a frog and he spent several issues going on adventures in the sewers. Storm took his place. This was the birth of that Thor Frog character in Marvel comics. 8. Thor is not an actual god. None of the ‘gods’ in Marvel comics are actually gods. Sk