
Showing posts from November, 2021

7 Amazing Facts About Captain America Trilogy

A soldier out of his time became the Legend of the modern world. Captain America is the fine example of what happens if a person in braces is his own good, and now Captain America is not just a superhero or movie character, thanks to the awesome narrative of Marvel cinematic Universe movies and the portrayal of Chris Evans, Captain America has become more of a legend, emotion and role model who inspired us all to do good and embrace good. Let's check out some cool and amazing Captain America movie trilogy facts.  7 Amazing Facts About Captain America Trilogy 1. Chris Evans got trained in Parker, Brazilian Jiu jitsu, karate and boxing for Captain America: The Winter soldier movie.  2. Sebastian Stan trained for five months and he also researched many of the Russian and KGB spy stories and facts for his character of Winter soldier.  3. Kevin Feige was very impressed from Russo brothers after watching their show Community and it paved off Russo brothers's entry in marvel Studios a

8 Amazing Facts About Iron Man Trilogy

 A man, an inspiration, a legend. Without any super powers and just on his sheer intelligence, bravery, and willingness to sacrifice along with being a legendary Avenger, Iron man has become one of the most influential superheroes of the modern age, and despite his story came to an end in Marvel cinematic Universe his a fandom is becoming bigger day by day and all this started with John Favreau' s Iron Man.  Let's see some shocking facts about Iron Man Trilogy.  8 Amazing Facts About Iron Man Trilogy 1. Before Robert Downey Jr was casted as Tony Stark many actors were interested in playing Tony such as Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cage, Collin Farrell, Hugh Jackman and Sam Rockwell.  John Favreau was in favor of casting RDJ as he thought that RDJ' s troubled past can help him very well to portray Tony so finally RDJ won the battle.  2.  Stan Lee one of the creators of iron man, based the characters of Tony Stark on Late American businesses man Howard Roberd Hughes Jr.  Hughes was a

5 Spiderman Triology Awesome Facts

 The movies which Revolutionalised the super hero movies was the Same Raimi's Spiderman trilogy. They just banged the movie industry and after the trilogy we have seen the immense success of various super hero franchise like MCU and DCEU.  Let's see some facts about all time fan favorite Friendly neighborhood spiderman' s trilogy facts. Let's start.  5 Spiderman Trilogy Awesome Facts 1. Bruce Campbell's line '' It helps to create an illusion'' was seen as an Easter egg by fans that he can feature as Mysterio in Triology but it subsequently remained just as a fan theory.  2. In spiderman 3 Bryce Dallas Howard was pregnant at the time of shooting but she herself  performed all the stunts shown in the movie.  3. Spiderman 3 was originally planned as a 2 parter movie but Sam Raimi didn't found any median point from where he could split the movie so he decided to rewrite the script and to make it a single movie.  4. Spiderman 4 was on the cards and it